There is no set concept of a good child.
Why do you think so?
My answer
This is because there is no one else who explains children's minds by introducing the perspective of acting like a good child into the way children behave.
Statistics can be used to scientifically show that children act as good children, but in doing so, many people need to understand that children act as good children.
I understand each of things is depend on individuals, depend on cultuer also in Japan.
My anser
That's right. There are differences in the way adults feel and think about children act as good children. Even so, although there are trends in what people think of as good children, it is still difficult to formulate a clear concept of what constitutes a good child. I will write about the reason at the bottom of this message.
But what parents want children to do is the good thing for them. This fact is unchanging.
My anser
That's right.
Extremely good child for mother is good child every country. Is it wrong?
My answer
That's right.
I don't understand that suddenly only this point get to be a concrete matter.
My answer
Your research based on brain science based on ?
My answer
That's right.
I know my brain is not capable of understanding complicated things.
My answer
Every mother has an instinct to protect and nurture her child. Children also have an instinct that their mother will protect and nurture them, so they instinctively try to be good to their mother.
By observing children from the perspective of neuroscience, we can learn about children's minds, which are different from those of adults.
There are two cases when a mother or the adults around the child decide that the child is a good child.
One is when a child pretends to be a good child in order to escape from hardship from something.
The second is when the child is taking on a challenge which is very important but difficult for the child.
It is generally difficult to distinguish between these two cases.